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Tools & Helpful Links

Here we have listed some valuable tools, links and helpful documents that we think could be useful for product development, QM, in the laboratory and production.

Use them as guides and starting-point.

Questions? Please ask.

SubjectInformation or link
Hydrocolloid Properties OverviewHYDROCOLLOID PROPERTIES, v1, Nov2022
Gum Selection Guideline/Flow-ChartGUM SELECTION GUIDELINE CHART, v1, Nov2022
FAIA - Food Additives & Ingredients Association, E-Numbers List - The current EU approved food additives by additive type, E Number and additive nameAll of the currently EU approved food additives, listed by additive type, E-number and additive name.
FSANZ - Nutrition Panel Calculator - a tool for food manufacturers to calculate the average nutrient content of their food products and prepare a nutrition information panel (NIP).FSANZ Nutrition Panel Calculator
FDA - Overview of Food Ingredients, Additives & Colors. Also available in printable brochure format/PDF.Overview of Food Ingredients, Additives & Colours
FDA - Food Additive Status List. A quick look-up on the use limitations for a food additive.FDA- Food Additive Status List
EFSA - European Food Safety Authority. EFSA evaluates the safety of regulated food ingredients before they can be authorised for use on the European market.Food improvement agents applications: overview and procedure
EUROPEAN COMMISSION, EU Register on nutrition and health claims.Searchable register on health claims does Kosher mean?
OK Kosher Certification, USAKosher 101: The essentials of kosher for certified companies.
Halal Certification Services, SwitzerlandHalal Certification Requirements
Halal and Food Safety InstituteHalal Guidelines for the preparation of food and goods for Muslim consumers.
TEXTURE - a hydrocolloid recipe collection for product development, the chef and food enthusiast. Edited by Martin Lersch, with over 300 recipes.Free download
FIBER 101 - The Ultimate Guide
to Fiber in Food
The Ultimate Guide to Fiber in Food by AgriFiber Solutions
What is functional fiber?AgriFiber Solutions Blog Post
Soluble vs. Insoluble: A deeper diveAgriFiber Solutions Blog Post